$ cat description.md
Welcome to kakekane playground - a space where I document various experimental projects and random technical explorations.
Here you'll find proof-of-concepts, tools in development, and half-baked ideas turned into (hopefully)-working prototypes.
nb. kakekane means "disappointment".
$ konasute-autoscener
OBS Auto Scene Switcher for Konami's Sound Voltex (Arcade & Konasute) using WebSocket to explore OBS WebSocket Plugin.
$ Ansible as a (reproducable) workstation environment
Ansible playbook to setup new workstation (Mac & Linux) with all the necessary tools and configurations that I needed.
$ Dead Simple Notes
A simple markdown note taking app with a focus on speed and simplicity.
$ Vaultwarden [Cloud Exploration]
A Gcloud (Serverless) exploration to deploy Bitwarden compatible server using Vaultwarden.
$ Hikari
Yet another customization frontend for video games with AIR movement. Private for privacy reasons (but can be shared as needed).